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Projetos de Cooperação Sul-Sul Trilateral
Trilateral South-South Cooperation Projects

Under the project modality, UNICEF and ABC facilitate alliances between Brazil and other developing countries to promote capacity development at the partner country level to formulate and implement policies in priority areas to advance children´s and 

women´s rights (as laid out by CRC and CEDAW). Projects are designed in accordance with South-South Cooperation (SSC) principles in general, and the Country Programme agreed between UNICEF and national authorities at the partner country level. 

Institutional strengthening and other technical and functional capacity development strategies are associated to knowledge sharing and mutual learning methodologies under a Project Document structure, to be jointly formulated and implemented in accordance with SSC principles. The project document then becomes the technical, operational, and managerial frame of reference to the TSSC partnership. 

Collaboration in this modality should be aimed at developing self-sustainable policy, institutional, organizational, and networking capacities. For that purpose, Brazil-UNICEF trilateral South-South cooperation projects/programmes make use of the following means of implementation: 

  • Capacity development through courses, seminars, training, and workshops. 

  • Multi-stakeholder partnership building. 

  • Development and application of methodologies, technical expertise, strategies and approaches to improve policy processes. 

  • (Re)designing organizational structures and processes, management methods and administrative tools. 

  • Technical studies and analyses; guides, manuals, booklets and other technical, knowledge sharing and learning material. 

  • Provision, procurement, and transfer of equipment (as far as this is considered necessary to achieve capacity building objectives).

Entre em contato


SEPN 510, Bloco A - 2 andar Brasília, DF - 70.750-521 

Telefone: +55 (61) 3035-1900

Agência Brasileira de Cooperação - ABC

SAF/Sul Quadra 2, Lote 2, Bloco B, 4 andar Brasília, DF - 70.070-600 

Telefone: +55 (61) 2030-6833

Uma parceria: UNICEF + ABC